linux 设备驱动模型笔记

vmlinz posted @ Sun, 17 Apr 2011 18:11:09 +0800 in Linux with tags driver linux , 6425 readers

Linux device driver model


linux 设备模型的目的是为内核构建统一的模型,从而使系统有一般性的描述。


  • 电源管理和系统关机:设备模型使得操作系统能够以正确的顺序遍历关闭系统硬件
  • 和用户空间进行通讯:sysfs虚拟文件系统的实现和设备模型密切相关,并向用户空间展现了系统的结构
  • 设备模型:维护设备驱动的体系化数据机构
  • 对象的生命周期:设备模型的创建需要一系列的机制来处理对象的生命周期、对象之间的关系以及这些对象在用户空间的表示

kobject & kset

  • A kobject is an object of type struct kobject. Kobjects have a name and a reference count. A kobject also has a parent pointer (allowing objects to be arranged into hierarchies), a specific type, and, usually, a representation in the sysfs virtual filesystem. kobject是kobject结构的对象。kobject对象有名字和引用计数。
  • A ktype is the type of object that embeds a kobject. Every structure that embeds a kobject needs a corresponding ktype. The ktype controls what happens to the kobject when it is created and destroyed. ktype是嵌入有kobject的对象的类型。每个嵌入了kobject的结构都需要一个相应的ktype类 型。ktype主要负责管理对象的创建和销毁。
  • A kset is a group of kobjects. These kobjects can be of the same ktype or belong to different ktypes. The kset is the basic container type for collections of kobjects. Ksets contain their own kobjects, but you can safely ignore that implementation detail as the kset core code handles this kobject automatically. kset是一系列kobject对象的集合。这些对象可以是同一个ktype也可以属于不同的ktype。 kset是kobject对象的基本容器。kset自己本身也有自己的kobject对象。

Embedding kobjects


struct uio_map { struct kobject kobj; struct uio_mem *mem; };



void kobject_init(struct kobject *kobj, struct kobj_type *ktype);

int kobject_add(struct kobject *kobj, struct kobject *parent, const char *fmt, ...);

int kobject_rename(struct kobject *kobj, const char *new_name);

const char *kobject_name(const struct kobject * kobj);

int kobject_init_and_add(struct kobject *kobj, struct kobj_type *ktype, struct kobject *parent, const char *fmt, ...);


After a kobject has been registered with the kobject core, you need to announce to the world that it has been created. This can be done with a call to kobject_uevent(): kobject在核心中注册之后,你需要告知系统它被创建了。可以通过调用kobject_uevent()来完成。

int kobject_uevent(struct kobject *kobj, enum kobject_action action);

Reference counts

One of the key functions of a kobject is to serve as a reference counter for the object in which it is embedded. As long as references to the object exist, the object (and the code which supports it) must continue to exist. The low-level functions for manipulating a kobject's reference counts are: kobject的一个主要功能之一就是作为嵌入对象的引用计数器。主要的操作方法如下:

struct kobject *kobject_get(struct kobject *kobj);

void kobject_put(struct kobject *kobj);

Because kobjects are dynamic, they must not be declared statically or on the stack, but instead, always allocated dynamically. 由于kobject对象是一个动态数据结构,所以它们不能被声明为静态或者在栈上分配,它们只能动态分配在堆上。

ktypes and release methods

struct kobj_type结构中有kobject的release函数,用于销毁kobject。


A kset is merely a collection of kobjects that want to be associated with each other. There is no restriction that they be of the same ktype, but be very careful if they are not.



  • It serves as a bag containing a group of objects. A kset can be used by the kernel to track "all block devices" or "all PCI device drivers."

  • A kset is also a subdirectory in sysfs, where the associated kobjects with the kset can show up. Every kset contains a kobject which can be set up to be the parent of other kobjects; the top-level directories of the sysfs hierarchy are constructed in this way.

  • Ksets can support the "hotplugging" of kobjects and influence how uevent events are reported to user space.支持热插拔,同时影响uevent如何被报告到用户空间。


struct kset *kset_create_and_add(const char *name, struct kset_uevent_ops *u, struct kobject *parent);

void kset_unregister(struct kset *kset);

If a kset wishes to control the uevent operations of the kobjects associated with it, it can use the struct kset_uevent_ops to handle it: 通过uevent操作函数来控制和它相关的kobject。

struct kset_uevent_ops { int (*filter)(struct kset *kset, struct kobject *kobj); const char *(*name)(struct kset *kset, struct kobject *kobj); int (*uevent)(struct kset *kset, struct kobject *kobj, struct kobj_uevent_env *env); };

Kobject removal

After a kobject has been registered with the kobject core successfully, it must be cleaned up when the code is finished with it. To do that, call kobject_put(). By doing this, the kobject core will automatically clean up all of the memory allocated by this kobject. If a KOBJ_ADD uevent has been sent for the object, a corresponding KOBJ_REMOVE uevent will be sent, and any other sysfs housekeeping will be handled for the caller properly. kobject成功注册到核心之后,在使用它的代码结束后它必须被清理。通过调用kobject_put()来实现。这样核心就会自动清除给这个kobject分配的内存。如果之前发送过KOBJ_ADD事件,此时会发送相应的KOBJ_REMOVE事件。

driver binding






int match(struct device * dev, struct device_driver * drv);


Device Class

如果探测成功,设备就被注册到它所属的设备类型(device class)上。devclass_add_device函数被调用来在设备类型上枚举这个设备,然后通过设备类型的register_dev回调把设备实际注册到设备类型上。




A symlink is created in the bus's 'devices' directory that points to the device's directory in the physical hierarchy. 一个符号链接在总线的设备文件夹中创建,它指向设备文件夹中的实际设备项。

A symlink is created in the driver's 'devices' directory that points to the device's directory in the physical hierarchy. 一个符号链接在驱动的设备文件夹中创建,它也指向设备文件夹中的实际设备项。

A directory for the device is created in the class's directory. A symlink is created in that directory that points to the device's physical location in the sysfs tree. 在类型文件夹下创建一个该设备的文件夹,该文件夹下会创建一个链接到该设备在sysfs树下的实际设备项。

A symlink can be created (though this isn't done yet) in the device's physical directory to either its class directory, or the class's top-level directory. One can also be created to point to its driver's directory also.


The process is almost identical for when a new driver is added. The bus's list of devices is iterated over to find a match. Devices that already have a driver are skipped. All the devices are iterated over, to bind as many devices as possible to the driver. 和添加驱动时的过程几乎相同,遍历总线的设备链表来找到合适的设备。已经匹配的设备被略过。所有的设备都会被遍历,并绑定尽可能多的设备到新加的驱动上。


When a device is removed, the reference count for it will eventually go to 0. When it does, the remove callback of the driver is called. It is removed from the driver's list of devices and the reference count of the driver is decremented. All symlinks between the two are removed. 设备卸载后,它的引用计数最后会减少到0。这个时候就会调用驱动的卸载回调函数。它从驱动的设备链表上删除,同时驱动的引用计数减1。驱动和设备之间的符号链接被删除。

When a driver is removed, the list of devices that it supports is iterated over, and the driver's remove callback is called for each one. The device is removed from that list and the symlinks removed. 当驱动卸载时,它所支持的设备链表将被遍历,同时对每个设备都执行驱动的卸载回调函数。设备从该链表上删除同时删除它们之间的符号链接。


In a nutshell, the driver model consists of a set of objects that can be embedded in larger, bus-specific objects. Fields in these generic objects can replace fields in the bus-specific objects. 概括的说,驱动模型中包含了一系列的对象,这些对象可以嵌入到更大的特定总线的对象。这些通用对象中的字段可以替换特定总线的相应字段。


  • Step 0: Read include/linux/device.h for object and function definitions.

  • Step 1: Registering the bus driver. 使用bus_register注册bus

  • Step 2: Registering Devices.注册总线类型的设备
    .Initialize the device on registration.初始化通用设备。
    .Register the device.注册通用设备。

It is recommended that the generic device not be the first item in the struct to discourage programmers from doing mindless casts between the object types. Instead macros, or inline functions, should be created to convert from the generic object type. 将通用的设备结构体嵌入到总线特定设备类型中,然后将设备注册到总线上。 最好不要把通用设备结构放在设备类型的第一个成员,避免无脑的强转设备类型。 应该使用宏或者inline函数来实现通用设备和特定设备类型的转换。

  • Step 3: Registering Drivers.注册驱动

Embed a struct device_driver in the bus-specific driver. Initialize the generic driver structure. Register the driver.

  • Step 4: Define Generic Methods for Drivers.定义通用的驱动方法
  • Step 5: Support generic driver binding.提供通用的驱动绑定方法

The model assumes that a device or driver can be dynamically registered with the bus at any time. When registration happens, devices must be bound to a driver, or drivers must be bound to all devices that it supports. 驱动模型假定设备或者驱动可以在任意时刻被动态地注册到总线上。注册的时候,所有的设备必须绑定到一个驱动上,或者驱动必须绑定到所有它支持的设备上。

int (*match)(struct device * dev, struct device_driver * drv);

  • Step 6: Supply a hotplug callback.提供热插拔回调
    .ACTION: set to 'add' or 'remove'
    .DEVPATH: set to the device's physical path in sysfs.

The driver model core passes several arguments to userspace via environment variables.

  • Step 7: Cleaning up the bus driver.清理总线驱动
    .int bus_for_each_dev(struct bus_type * bus, struct device * start, void * data, int (*fn)(struct device *, void *));
    .int bus_for_each_drv(struct bus_type * bus, struct device_driver * start, void * data, int (*fn)(struct device_driver *, void *));

Platform Devices and Drivers

See <linux/platform_device.h> for the driver model interface to the platform bus: platform_device, and platform_driver. This pseudo-bus is used to connect devices on busses with minimal infrastructure, like those used to integrate peripherals on many system-on-chip processors, or some "legacy" PC interconnects; as opposed to large formally specified ones like PCI or USB. 平台总线是一个虚拟总线,它被用于链接集成在SOC处理器总线上的设备。

Platform devices

Platform devices are devices that typically appear as autonomous entities in the system. This includes legacy port-based devices and host bridges to peripheral buses, and most controllers integrated into system-on-chip platforms. What they usually have in common is direct addressing from a CPU bus. Rarely, a platform_device will be connected through a segment of some other kind of bus; but its registers will still be directly addressable. 平台设备的一个共性就是他们都可以通过cpu总线直接寻址访问;即使偶尔通过其他类型的总线访问,此时设备的寄存器都是可以被直接寻址的。

Platform drivers

Platform drivers follow the standard driver model convention, where discovery/enumeration is handled outside the drivers, and drivers provide probe() and remove() methods. They support power management and shutdown notifications using the standard conventions. 平台设备遵从标准的驱动模型惯例,驱动的发现和枚举发生在驱动程序以外,驱动负责提供probe()和remove()等方法。

Platform drivers register themselves the normal way:

  • int platform_driver_register(struct platform_driver *drv);

Device Enumeration

As a rule, platform specific (and often board-specific) setup code will register platform devices: 特定平台(特定板卡)的设置代码中注册平台设备是一个规则。

  • int platform_device_register(struct platform_device *pdev);
  • int platform_add_devices(struct platform_device **pdevs, int ndev);

The general rule is to register only those devices that actually exist, but in some cases extra devices might be registered. For example, a kernel might be configured to work with an external network adapter that might not be populated on all boards, or likewise to work with an integrated controller that some boards might not hook up to any peripherals.

In some cases, boot firmware will export tables describing the devices that are populated on a given board. Without such tables, often the only way for system setup code to set up the correct devices is to build a kernel for a specific target board. 一些情况下,启动固件会导出给定开发板上提供的设备描述表。如果没有这种设备描述表,系统正确设置设备的唯一方法就是构建一个目标平台专用的内核。这种内核在嵌入式开发中比较常见。

Driver binding is performed automatically by the driver core, invoking driver probe() after finding a match between device and driver. If the probe() succeeds, the driver and device are bound as usual. 驱动绑定是由驱动核心自动执行的,通过发现匹配的设备和驱动后调用驱动的probe()函数。如果probe()成功,驱动和设备就绑定起来了。

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